The 8.8.8 Emerald Awakening

Planetary Gridwork Convergence

 August 6~9 2024, Dublin Ireland

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Ascension & Earth-Grid Energies Conference

Ireland is a Land of Prophecy - a Key Holder in the Emerald Covenant - a sacred promise God made at the dawn of civilization for the inevitable realization of Heaven on Earth.

All of life and consciousness on Earth are interconnected by the multi-dimensional grid and leyline system, making Gridwork one of the most powerful forms of Prayer, and a way we can contribute to and alter the Earth's collective consciousness, reality and timeline.

The next wave of Ascension in planetary consciousness will first be catalyzed through the Earth's Grid, Energy Body & Leyline system. Like a primordial Dragon awakening... our ancient memory is coursing through her veins... You are awakening to your True Origins & Destiny, and here to take part in a profound rite of passage.

Learn & Embody Planetary Grid Guardianship with World Renowned Oracle & Guide, Xi EarthStar Healer - and our incredible roster of experts and healers, as well as Irish storytellers, wisdom teachers, and gatekeepers!

This is a once in a life time 3-day Earth Energies & New Earth Prophecy convergence, and Gridwork Ceremony at the Hill of Tara during the 8/8/8 portal - Come with your Prayers, your Heart & your Devotion and witness a timeline of healing, reconciliation and divine miracles unfold on Earth!

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Featured Speakers & Workshops

The Dragon Leylines
& Planetary Gridwork

The Emerald Covenant: Our Angelic Destiny of 144000

Emerald Order
Dragon Teachings

ReBirthing the Planetary
Tree of Life

Divine Union 
Eternality Template Repair

Hyperborean / Ancient Celtic Soul Retrieval

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Xi & Shane ~ EarthStar Academy

Prophecy Keepers & Oracles of Original Creation

Workshop: The Emerald Covenant, Eternal Tree of Life & the Prophecy of Heaven on Earth

The Emerald Awakening was birthed out of a Dream, to reconnect with ancient Soul Family, restore the Earth's Connection to the Universal Tree of Life & amplify Eternal Union codes of Creation into the Planetary Grid to Inaugurate the Emerald Prophecy.

The Hill of Tara is where Kings are Crowned. Through this week of workshops, activations & Planetary Grid ceremonies, you will initiate your own True Inner King & Queen Codes & step forth as a Union-Centered Leader of a new Civilization of Peace, Harmony, Divine Creativity & High Consciousness.

Rory Duff ~ The Sacred Network

Geologist / Planetary Grid Researcher / Bio-Geologist 

Workshop: The Dragon Lines & the Emerald Prophecy

In this talk, world-renowned Leyline Researcher Rory Duff goes through the observations that have been made on the most powerful energy lines on the planet, the Dragon Lines, and how they are changing and growing in intensity. He will also show you the most up to date maps of where these dragon lines and their intersections can be found. The main energy alignments and their sacred sites in Ireland will also be discussed and why group meditation at these places helps us so much to prepare for what is coming.

Ciara Young ~ The Blazing Heart Foundation

Irish Gatekeeper & Wisdom Story Keeper

Workshop: Resurrecting the Soul of the World

Over aeons of time, Ancient Ones have gathered on this sacred land of the Emerald Isle, remembering always in the core of their hearts the promise to meet again at the turning of the tide and turn the page together to a Holy Order long-prophesised to be forthcoming at the end of times. Sacred codes of the Holy Mother have long been held safe in these lands, awaiting the divinely-ordained moment for their full restoration as gifts to humanity and all of life. Together, we will resurrect the soul of the world through putting back what has been lost, turning the keys to ignite Ireland as the luminous beacon of hope for the Earth she is destined to be.

Zoë Daly ~ Eriu

Oracle for Eriu the Goddess of Eire & Founder of Eriu Wool

Workshop: The Celtic Goddesses of Sovereignty

Ériu Wool was seeded and guided by Zoe's ancestral lineage of the Celtic Sovereignty Goddesses. In this workshop, you'll discover the history and mythology of these benevolent Celtic guides.  Weaving in the wisdom of these solar goddesses and gods of the Tuatha Dé Danaan, Zoe shares how they have shaped her life’s mission and guided her spiritual and physical work. You'll learn some of their teachings and how they are here to guide us at this time of prophecy.

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Charlie Battin ~ EarthStar Academy

Ancestral Tale Weaver, Somatic Wizard & Mystic DJ

Workshop: Ancient Celtic-Hyperborean Soul Retrieval 

In this Activation, we will enter a space of compassion, reverence, and receptivity to the living memories of our Soul's Ancient Celtic roots. We will open our bodies to become a safe home for the stray fragments of our lineage to re-join the blood flow of our living current - so we can be truly rooted and remembered in the wisdom and belonging from which we have come. Through this process, we each become a living Pillar of Magic, Remembrance, Wisdom & Activation for these ancient Codes to re-awaken in the Earth.

Lyle Cates ~ Jaguar Rose Medicine

Celtic Oracle Priestess & Chinese Medicine Dragon Scroll Keeper

Workshop: ReBirthing the Cosmic-Planetary Tree of Life

Souls of beings and planets are similarly seeded into form through a delicate process of Incarnation. Through the lens of ancient Chinese medicine, the meridians are a sacred geometry map for how our soul purpose gets expressed into form. 

Ireland holds the seed-atom blueprint for lightbody of the World. In this activation, we will travel back to the moment of conception of the primary meridians of the earth. We will simultaneously activate mycelial- tree communication networks within the Earth and our human bodies. This is the ancient knowing with our bodies that carries the codes to Re-member what has been dismembered.

Niels Rouwen ~ Adventures in Quiet Places

Archeologist / Tranceworker & Storyteller

Sacred Sites Tour (Extended Ticketing):
Ireland is ancient. It was already old when there were fewer stars overhead. Before the forests were cleared. Before the mighty megaliths got erected... Before the great Irish Elk found a home here... There was already power. Flowing. Seeking. Pregnant with potential.

You are invited back to Inis Fáil - the Isle of Destiny - to once again dwell among the places of power. As stewards. Megalithic stone circles. Ancient passage tombs. Ruined monasteries in long-forgotten valleys. To do ceremony, bring your gifts & bear witness to the Emerald Awakening.

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Planetary Gridwork Mission
& 5 Full Day Preparation Gridwork Trainings

(Included in both the In-Person & Virtual Access Tickets)

Planetary Gridwork Mission Training days are designed to support, upgrade & prepare our Lightbodies, and help us focus our collective intention towards the Highest Timeline Outcome for our Planetary Gridwork Convergence.

When high-consciousness and lightbody-activated individuals come together in Unity and Prayer, to work directly with the Earth and her leylines on Power Locations like the Hill of Tara, we are given this great honor of becoming a Guardian of planetary realities and timelines.

Each Preparation & Gridwork Training day will be a Full Day spent together, with 2-3 workshops and 1 group meditation on each day focusing on different topics to do with Personal & Planetary Gridwork, and the Recordings are available for both In Person as well as Virtual ticket participants.

April 21st - Grand Central Sun Guardian Training Day 

Workshop #1 - Avatar Training: The 144000 Walking Masters of Heaven on Earth & the Emerald Crystal Dragon Heart

Workshop #2 - Avatar Training: Initiating the The Grail King & Queen Codes + AuroraPassana Guided Practice 

Workshop #3 - The Pangea Grid & 888 Mission Intel Transmission

Ceremony - Connecting to the Pangea Inner Spirit of the Earth & Preparing the Lightbody for Dragon Grid Activations

May 19th - Pleiades Gateway Guardian Training Day  

Workshop #1 - Gridwork Training: Elemental Consciousness, Our Somatic Body & Its Connection to the Earth

Workshop #2 - Gridwork Training: Awakening Guardian Consciousness & Working with The Planetary Akash, Memory & Pain Body

Workshop #3 - The Pangea Grid: Further Intel, Working with the Planetary Umbilicus & Tree of Life

Ceremony - Resolving Pain & Trauma from the Elemental Somatic Body

June 2nd - Laniakea Gateway Guardian Training Day 

Workshop #1 - Gridwork Training: Planetary Grid Violations, Disturbance to the Earth's Universal Akash Connection & Understanding the Multi-Dimensionality of Gridwork

Workshop #2 - Gridwork Training: Mysteries of Mother-Father God, Primordial Source Architecture of Creation & the Dragon Grid System

Workshop #3 - The Pangea Grid: Further Intel, Working with the Planetary Umbilicus & Tree of Life

Ceremony - Connecting through the Heart of Holy Mother Laniakea, Plasma Body of the Universe & Preparing the Earth for Resurrection

June 30th - Solstice Window Guardian Training Day 

Workshop #1 - Niels Rouwen: Recent & Ancient Irish History, Cultivating Land Husbandry & Guardian Consciousness. Connecting to Eire.

Workshop #2 - Ciara Young: Alchemical Magic to Move Beyond Time & Space, Understanding Time, Time Spells & Inversions

Workshop #3 - Lyle Cates: The Meridian Body's connection to the Tree of Life & Awakening the Spleen Meridian as an access point into Earth's mycelial tree Consciousness & Network

Ceremony - Lyle Cates: Restoring the Original Blueprint of our Spleen Meridian & Re-Awakening it's Connection to the Ancient Tree Root System

July 28th - Final Guardian Training Day Before Convergence 

Workshop #1 - Ego Mastery Training: Committing to Personal & Inter-Personal Unity, Peace & Mastery. Fostering Organic Plasma Unity Consciousness with the Aurora

Workshop #2 - Psychic Mastery Training: Navigating Field Disturbances, Psychic Attacks & Cultivating True Emotional Mastery

Workshop #3 - The Pangea Grid: Further Intel, Working with the Planetary Umbilicus & Tree of Life

Ceremony - Connecting through the Heart of Holy Mother Laniakea, Plasma Body of the Universe & Preparing the Earth for Resurrection

*Please note that these workshops are subject to change due to the Synchronistic & Divine Flow nature of Gridwork. Our team is committed to deeply listening to the Earth & Mother-Father God for guidance on an on-going basis!

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Only 144 In Person Tickets Available!

Virtual Live-Stream Ticket - $222

April 19 ~ 22 + August 6 ~ 9, 2024

+ 4 Days of Guardian Mission Training pre-event & Recordings
+ Live-stream Access & Recordings of Presentations
+ Video Recording of Hill of Tara Gridwork Ceremony
+ Behind the scenes footage & Interviews

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General Admission - $888

August 6 ~ 9, 2024 :: 64 Tickets Available Sold Out!

+ General Admission to the Emerald Awakening
+ 8 Live Riveting Speaker Presentations
4 Full Days of virtual Guardian Mission Trainings pre-event
+ Ecstatic Dance
+ 8/8/8 Hill of Tara Excursion & Planetary Gridwork Ceremony
+ 8/8/8 Celtic Celebration Elven-Ball Dance Party
+ Life-time Recordings of Speaker Presentations & Ceremonies
Ticket does NOT include air-fare, most meals and accommodations 

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Celtic Adventure Retreat Package - $1444

Only 65 Tickets Available  Sold Out!

+ General Admission to the Emerald Awakening & Everything Included In That Package
+ 3 Days of Sacred Sites with our Irish Story Teller
Ticket does NOT include air-fare, most meals and accommodations.
Ticket DOES Include bagged lunches during the sites tour!

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Event Schedule


August 6 2024 (General Admission)
7am - Breakfast
8am - Start Check-in Process / Name Tags
9am - Opening Ceremony
10am - Charlie Battin Activation
11am - Ciara Young & Niels Rouwen

12pm - Lunch
2pm - Lyle Cates Presentation
3pm - Rory Duff Workshop #1
5pm Dinner
7pm - Ecstatic Dance w. Charlie


August 7 2024 (General Admission)
7am - Breakfast
8am - Morning Practice
9am - Zoe Daly Presentation
10am - Shane MacGregor Presentation

12pm - Lunch
2pm - Rory Duff Workshop #2
3pm - Xi & Shane
 Gridwork Preparation
5pm Dinner
7pm - Grid Opening Ceremony with the Xi EarthStar


August 8 2024 (General Admission)
6am - Gridwork Preparation
7:15am - Depart for the Hill of Tara
8am - Hill of Tara Gridwork Ceremony
10am - Picnic Lunch
12pm - Depart for Johnstown
1pm - Free Time
5pm - Elven Ball / Dinner / Dance Party


August 9 2024 (General Admission)
8am Closing Ceremony

Celtic Adventure  (Sold Out)

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